Save The Date: UP! Dance Performance
Sunday 18th February 2024
The Roxburgh Theatre, Stowe
We are very excited to announce that we have secured The Roxburgh Theatre in Stowe on Sunday 18th February for our next show. This is a beautiful theatre which we have held incredible performances at in the past and we can't wait to return. Please add this date to your diary. All dancers will need to arrive at an allotted time for their class rehearsals - More information will be released in due course.
If you know that your son/daughter cannot attend the show on this date, please let me know as soon as possible.
Our performances are a fantastic opportunity for our dancers, as well as for the parents to see the great progress that the children are making in their classes. Preparations for this show are in full swing and we have some brilliant performances in the making setting us up for yet another outstanding show!