Another dance year comes to a close and it has certainly been an eventful one!
We finally got to perform on stage for the first time in 1,187 days, and wasn't it worth the wait! We've already begun creating our new show and it is so exciting. Our next show is booked for Sunday 25th June at The Venue, MK. More info next year.
As you all know, we have our new teacher, Claire joining us in January to open 4 brand new classes. It's not too late to book in for your free trial! Book now and get 50% off the first month (only £10.50!)
Don't forget, our new payment system is now in place which will all be automated, so that's one thing to remove from your busy schedule! I will be sending out invoices for January in the coming days. Please have a check through them and ensure they are correct. Any queries, do not hesitate to get in touch.
Also, follow us on Instagram for updates, news and simply awesome pictures of our talented dancers!
And finally, thank you so much for yet another wonderful year of your love and continued support. I have truly loved every moment of working with your dancers and I can't wait for another even more successful year.
Wishing you all the most Wonderful Christmas & Happy, Healthy New Year!
Love, Jade x