To keep everyone safe for our performance, audience, students and staff included, the team at the Roxburgh Theatre and myself as the organiser have discussed at length how we can make sure this event is as safe as possible.
I have attached my completed risk assessment, and one by the Roxburgh Theatre will be added soon.
Unless instructed otherwise by the Government, the show will be going ahead. At this stage, tickets cannot be refunded. During the interview today, Boris Johnson has said that Nativities, Christmas parties etc should NOT be cancelled.
Here are just some of the actions we are taking to provide a safe environment for everyone involved:
When backstage, the children will be in a well ventilated room with other children similar to their age group. They will be asked to keep the room tidy at all times, and to not share any food or drink. They will be asked to wash their hands frequently.
The children will now not be mixing with other groups backstage. Each group will have their own classroom.
There will be hand sanitiser available for all around the building
Equipment and props will not be shared amongst the children and will be sanitised before use.
All dancers, audience members and staff are asked to take a lateral flow test before coming to the theatre. If a positive result is shown, they are not to attend the show.
Staff will be asked to wear masks when moving around the theatre
Audience are asked to wear masks whilst entering the theatre. Masks can be taken off when drinking and seated in the theatre.
I have limited ticket sales to 300 (the theatre seats 450) to enable spaces to be left in between families.
A 6m x 3m gazebo will be built in front of the theatre for audience members to stand and wait before the show and during the interval.
The theatre doors will be opening at an earlier time of 3:30pm to allow some audience members to find a seat they are comfortable with.
I have made the difficult decision to cancel the finale that we had planned whereby groups would be mixing on stage.
I understand that this is a worrying time for us all, especially so close to Christmas. However, whilst restrictions allow, I think this event is so important for our dancers, to help build their confidence and let them have fun whilst achieving something so extraordinary. They have all worked tirelessly to get to this point and I want nothing more than for them to show you what they have achieved.
I can't wait to see you all on the 19th for this very special occasion.