Today is #WorldMentalHealthDay. A subject very close to my heart.
When I started this company, my aim was not to build the biggest dance school I could. My aim was to help children grow in confidence and become the best version of themselves possible.
This goes hand-in-hand with teaching them to work as a team, to connect with themselves and others - and ultimately, to not be afraid to speak out or tell someone when something is wrong.
Dance is more than just movements performed to music -it teaches unity, determination, mindfulness, commitment, problem solving, how to connect with mental/emotional states and of course, encourages a healthy lifestyle. It's an outlet and a stress release where we can have fun with our favourite people, all whilst being productive and achieving wonderful things. But most importantly, it brings us laughter, love and shows us the true meaning of friendship.
I truly believe that by teaching these important skills at a young age, they will carry them through to help them live a happy & healthy life.
All of our UP! dancers make one big family, and we will always work hard to be kind, appreciative, encouraging and honest - inside or outside of class.
Let's continue being there for each other, taking care of each other and absolutely loving what we do.
Thank you to each and every one of my students who continue to make my day, every day.