UP! Dance is very excited to announce that in January 2018, we will be collaborating with Sports4All & Lace Hill Academy!
In the new school term of January 2018, Sports4All is going to lead the wrap-around care for all Lace Hill Academy students. Matt, the owner of S4A, is doing a fantastic job to ensure that there are some great activities for the children to take part in before and after school. As part of that, UP Dance will be holding classes every Tuesday for KS1 (3:30pm-4:30pm) & KS2 (4:30pm-5:30pm) students.
These classes are available to all Lace Hill Academy students and you don't have to be a part of the aftercare club to join. Students can come solely to the UP! Dance classes if they wish. Bookings for these classes are to be made through this link: https://www.s4asports.co.uk/lace-hill/
The classes are going to be a fantastic mix of fun, dance, music, gymnastics and creative discovery with lots of skill boosting opportunities. All whilst being a great way to make friends and a great source of exercise and burning off steam. These classes are an extra-curricular activity for Lace Hill students and are therefore not the same as being a part of the UP! Dance private classes. Lace Hill Students are of course welcome to both classes. For information on our private classes, please click here.
If you have any questions for me, please don't hesitate to contact me by email: jade@updance.co.uk